calendar>>March 23. 2017 Juche 106
Hakdang-gol Revolutionary Site Visited by Many People
Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- An endless stream of people are flowing to the Hakdang-gol Revolutionary Site on the centenary of the Korean National Association (KNA) formed by Kim Hyong Jik, an indomitable revolutionary fighter.

The KNA, the biggest anti-Japanese underground revolutionary organization in Korea, was formed in Hakdang-gol of Pyongyang. The site conveys the exploits Kim Hyong Jik performed by ushering in a fresh stage in the development of the anti-Japanese national liberation movement in Korea under the banner of achieving the independence by the efforts of Koreans and national unity.

The site has been visited by at least 1,874,400 people for the past four decades.

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