calendar>>March 14. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Comments on Park Geun Hye's Miserable End
Pyongyang, March 14 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentator's article says that Park Geun Hye, the witch of the 21st century without an equal in the world, faced a severe judgment by history and met the most miserable fate.

Citing facts that her fate had already been sealed and this tragedy has been predicted, the article goes on:

Park's tragic end goes to clearly prove that whoever goes crazy to stab compatriots with a dagger is bound to earn an ill-fame as the most cursed traitor and lose his or her life.

It clearly teaches truth that whoever perpetrates such sycophancy and treachery as leaving the nation's dignity and interests to the tender mercy of outside forces is bound to be cursed and buried in the grave of history.

Those who seek to live in luxury and comfort at the cost of sweat and blood shed by the people while regarding them as no more than dogs and pigs are fated to meet their miserable end by resistance of the angry public.

Park's tragic fate tells the immutable truth that only disgraceful death awaits those most wicked traitors, regardless of father or her daughter, as they stooped to any infamy to have their greed for power gratified.

Her most wretched plight will evidently prove what a high price a quisling will have to pay for betraying the country and the nation and going against the aspiration and desire of the people and truth and justice.

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