calendar>>March 12. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korea: Events Held to Mark Victory of Candlelight Actions
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- A large-scale rally and demonstration reportedly took place in Seoul of south Korea on Friday under the sponsorship of the People's Emergency Action for Forcing the Park Geun Hye Regime to Resign.

Attending the events were at least 100,000 people, including members of social organizations, youngsters and lawmakers from opposition parties.

A candlelight rally was staged at the Kwanghwamun Plaza to support the impeachment of Park decided on by the "Constitutional Court."

Speakers there called for detaining and investigating Park Geun Hye and punishing those involved in her scandal.

Similar events took place across south Korea in support of the impeachment of Park.

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