calendar>>March 12. 2017 Juche 106
Kim Jong Il Lauded by Foreign Organizations
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Organizations of different countries posted on their website articles in praise of the revolutionary career and exploits of leader Kim Jong Il to mark his birth anniversary.

The Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship edited an article titled "Mt Paektu and Kim Jong Il", illustrated with a panoramic photo of Mt Paektu, and articles subtitled "The Shining Star of Mt Paektu" and "Thunder over Jong Il Peak".

The articles dealt with the letters anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters left on the barked trees of the Mt Paektu forest in praise of Kim Jong Il as the Shining Star of Mt Paektu soon after his birth, saying that Mt Paektu is unthinkable without him.

A Christian association in Lagos State of Nigeria carried the following article titled "Great nationalist":

Leader Kim Jong Il smashed the imperialist allied forces' heinous offensive against socialism and the DPRK with the treasured sword of Songun and bolstered the country's military strength in every way and thus averted a war on the Korean peninsula and defended the destiny of the nation.

He successfully led the country and people to overcome the worst difficulty and trial and demonstrated the might of the DPRK as a power of independence and ushered in a fresh era of building a socialist power.

He made a great contribution to realizing the country's reunification, the greatest desire of the Korean nation.

The All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association carried articles under such titles as "Kim Jong Il and the World", "Kim Jong Il and February" and "Image of Great Man".

The Venezuelan National Society for the Study of the Juche Idea issued a bulletin under "Birth of HE Kim Jong Il and World" and other titles.

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