calendar>>March 11. 2017 Juche 106
S. Korean Bodies Demand Right Solution to Sexual Slavery Issue
Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The foundation for preserving justice for right solution to the issue of sexual slavery for the Japanese army and the Council for the Solution of the Issue of the Volunteers Corps in south Korea held the 1273rd Wednesday rally outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul on March 8, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News.

Recalling the victims to the sexual slavery courageously testified to prove the crime though it was hard for them to do so and talked the truth behind it in various parts of the world, the speakers said women and citizens called for restoration of justice and human rights together with the victims.

When all join their efforts, we can bring justice to south Korea, they said, calling for carrying on the struggle until Japan sincerely apologizes for the past crimes.

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