calendar>>February 16. 2017 Juche 106
Congratulatory Message to Kim Jong Un from Chongryon
Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory message from the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) on Thursday, the 75th birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The message extended highest tribute to Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, the eternal sun of Juche Korea, and the greatest glory and warmest congratulations to Marshal Kim Jong Un leading to victory the cause of Juche and the patriotic cause of Chongryon, pioneered and guided by the great leaders.

It said that the whole life of Kim Jong Il, who had led the cause of Juche for more than 50 years, was the most brilliant life of the peerless patriot as he performed the admirable feats to remain forever in the history of the country by doing whatever possible for prosperity of the country and happiness of all generations to come, true to the high intention of President Kim Il Sung.

Kim Jong Il is a prominent thinker-theoretician who perfectly systemized the guiding idea of the Juche era with his gifted wisdom and energetic pursuit and an iron-willed and brilliant Songun commander who smashed every vicious anti-DPRK move of the imperialist reactionary forces and turned the country into a politico-ideological power based on single-minded unity and an invincible military and nuclear power with his superb Songun leadership, it stressed.

Praising Kim Jong Il as the outstanding leader who guided Chongryon to be a patriotic pioneer, model of patriotism and loyalty and standard overseas compatriots' organization true to the noble intention of Kim Il Sung and as the guardian of the destiny of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan, the messaged said:

The history of relationship of warm feelings and blood Kim Jong Il forged with the Japan-resident Koreans continues still now under the fatherly love and meticulous care of you, respected Supreme Leader.

The message expressed the resolve to implement the highly important teachings of Marshal Kim Jong Un including his New Year message and letter dated May 25 of 2015 and thus bring about a turn in laying a foundation of leaping progress that will open up a new heyday in the movement of Koreans in Japan.

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