calendar>>February 12. 2017 Juche 106
Rodong Sinmun Ridicules Disgusting Act of S. Korean Puppet Group
Pyongyang, February 12 (KCNA) -- When the U.S. defense secretary flew to south Korea recently, the puppet authorities vied with each other to pay "welcome" visits and kowtow to their master, stressing the need to "demonstrate the importance of alliance". The gentries of foreign ministry made a "congratulatory telephone" to the newly appointed state secretary of the U.S. and begged for building "close cooperation" and putting "pressure and sanctions on the north in an all-round way".

Rodong Sinmun Sunday in a commentary says in this regard:

The successive ruling forces of south Korea resorted to the sycophantic acts toward the U.S., but the present puppet authorities are the traitors unprecedented in history as they belly-crawl before their master U.S. and put the nation to shame.

Despicable act of the pro-U.S. psychopaths put the nation to intolerable shame.

All Koreans in the north and the south and abroad strongly demand the south Korean authorities opt for the road of joining hands with compatriots in the north and improving the inter-Korean relations, not resorting to the cooperation with outside forces for stifling the DPRK.

This being a hard reality, the puppet group, steeped in the consciousness of following the U.S. to the marrow of their bones, have more heavily relied on outside forces, far from building confidence with compatriots, utterly indifferent to the trend of the times and the aspiration of the compatriots.

The puppet group's getting hell-bent on the servility to the U.S. than ever before is just pitiful desperate efforts to evade the crisis of the doom by clinging to the coattail of their master U.S.

Their act is the root cause of blocking the improvement of the inter-Korean relations and the advance of the cause of independent reunification.

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