calendar>>February 5. 2017 Juche 106
Minju Joson Slams Pro-U.S. Traitors' Disgusting Act
Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet forces are showing servile attitude to the new master of the White House, drawing derision of the public.

After a telephone conversation with the new U.S. president, puppet prime minister Hwang Kyo An and his stooges shouted for joy as if their way-out is opened. Clinging more closely to the coattail of their new master, they are going busy to earn favor of their master and realize ambition for confrontation with the fellow countrymen while giving wide publicity to the south Korea visit by the new U.S. defence secretary.

Commenting on such behaviors, Minju Joson brands this as a disgusting act of the group of traitors serving the U.S.

It is a clumsy farce of confrontational maniacs bereft of ability of judging the situation to try to find a way-out in dependence on outsiders and confrontation with the fellow countrymen, the commentary says, adding:

A dear price has to be paid for such traitorous and anti-reunification moves as well as the crimes committed by Park Geun Hye against the nation.

The Korean nation is responsible for settling the reunification issue. We will hold hands with whoever values fundamental interests of the nation and wishes for improvement of the north-south relations. This is our consistent stand.

The south Korean authorities have to come to their senses and opt for improving the relations with the north in response to our patriotic appeal. Herein lies a way-out for them.

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