calendar>>February 1. 2017 Juche 106
Release of Victims of Case of Attempted Rebellion and Prisoners of Conscience Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean online paper Voice of People reported that more than 1,000 citizens from Seoul, Taejon and North and South Jolla provinces, south Korean Kangwon Province and other parts of south Korea held a rally in front of the Suwon Detention House in Kyonggi Province on Jan. 30 in demand of the release of the victims of the fabricated case of attempted rebellion and prisoners of conscience.

At the rally, speakers contended that Park Geun Hye, an arch criminal who abused power, and her servants should be thrown into prison, adding that the first task for combating the deep-rooted evils is to scrap undemocratic laws including the "security law".

They stressed the need to struggle against the regime's racket for "eliminating followers of the north" in order to throw overboard the forces pushing the situation to the brink of war.

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