calendar>>January 20. 2017 Juche 106
Endless Stream of People Visit Youth Movement Museum
Pyongyang, January 20 (KCNA) -- It is one year since the establishment of the Youth Movement Museum in Pyongyang.

More than 170,000 servicepersons and civilians from all walks of life and school youth and children have visited the museum since its opening.

The museum deals with the feats President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il performed by starting the Juche-oriented youth movement and unfolding the history of building a youth power.

On display there are photos of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un guiding the work of youth and historical data and mementoes.

Through their visits to the museum the people grasp the truth that the Korean youth movement is the glorious Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist youth movement which was started and developed thanks to the outstanding idea of the great leaders and under their wise guidance and the youth power is Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's youth power built thanks to the profound trust and loving care of the peerlessly great men.

After looking round the museum, overseas compatriots and foreign friends were deeply moved by the peerlessly great men's politics of prioritizing the youth. And they said that the future of the DPRK is rosy as it has a large contingent of young people intensely loyal to the idea and cause of the leader, a huge army of iron-willed youth.

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