calendar>>December 22. 2016 Juche 105
Defense Ministry of S. Korea Censured for Denying Freedom of Speech
Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- The Media Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration released a statement on December 20, denouncing the south Korean puppet regime for trying to interfere in the media, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News.

Shortly ago, the internet newspaper carried a rambling criticism laying bare the injustice of THAAD deployment.

Upset by this, the puppet Defense Ministry put pressure upon the Tongil News two times to rectify the report and filed a suit against it, while calling into question the content of the rambling criticism.

The statement said that the ministry should reexamine and nullify the decision on the deployment of THAAD as it confirmed the people's negative stand through candlelight actions, etc.

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