calendar>>December 22. 2016 Juche 105
Elimination of Those Engaged in Abusing Power Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- The Christian Movement Headquarters for Ouster of Park Geun Hye called a press conference in Seoul on Dec. 19 in demand of the elimination of the puppet group of traitors engaged in abusing "government" power, according to the south Korean online paper Voice of Seoul.

Saying that now is the time to eliminate all forces involved in abusing power along with the Park Geun Hye regime, the organization clarified that as long as such forces remain in power, the people cannot accept any policy being discussed in the present political camp.

It demanded the ouster of all accomplices including Hwang Kyo An, to begin with.

It stressed that what is most urgent under the present situation is to oust Park Geun Hye as soon as possible, eradicate the evils committed during her office and have the demands of the people met.

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