calendar>>December 22. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Film Shows in Various Countries
Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA) -- Korean film shows were held in Bulgaria, Romania, Guinea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Algeria and Singapore in the period from Dec. 5 to 18 to commemorate the 5th anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il.

Attending the events were personages and other people from different walks of life in those countries.

They watched such Korean films as "The Sun of Songun Shedding Its Rays All over the World," "Kimjongilia," "DPRK Tells with Bitter Tears," "My Country Has Emerged Victorious by Dint of Single-minded Unity."

The honorary chairman of the Bulgarian Communists Union and other speakers said that leader Kim Jong Il's revolutionary career and feats will be undying as he made a great contribution to the peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the rest of the world.

The vice-chairman of the Guinean Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia Association said;

It is five years since we shed tears of blood with the Korean people.

No matter how much water may flow under the bridge, the feats performed by leader Kim Jong Il for the times and history will always be remembered by progressive mankind.

We will hand down through the generations the feats of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il by bringing flowers of the sun into full bloom.

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