calendar>>December 16. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Slams Senior Japanese Diplomat's Provocative Remarks
Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Japan has gone the lengths of crying out for "attack" on the DPRK.

Shortly ago, a senior official of the Foreign Ministry of Japan blustered that Japan "can attack the DPRK," pursuant to the "right to collective self-defense", if the south Korean regime requests and a serious threat is posed on the stability of Japan, a revelation of an undisguised scenario for invading the DPRK.

This is unpardonable bellicose outbursts let out by political dwarfs little short of puppies knowing no fear of a tiger.

In recent years, Japan has put spurs to its moves for turning itself into a military giant, challenging its legal position as the defeated nation banned from having not only the right to belligerency and the right to participate in a war but also a regular army.

Japan expanded worldwide the sphere of the activities of the SDF, which had been limited to areas around its territory, through the revision of the "Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines" and the adoption of the "security legislation," etc. and has come to exercise the "right to collective self-defense" under the pretext of military support to "its allies".

Japan is making desperate efforts to develop and purchase the latest weapons and equipment as evidenced by its shaping of the biggest-ever defense budget for fiscal 2017 running into 5 100 billion yen. It is busy putting its air and naval forces on a modern and long-distance basis.

It has stepped up the SDF's advance into overseas after mapping out a military strategy for overseas attack by taking advantage of the U.S. "anti-terrorism war."

It is by no means fortuitous that against this background the above-said senior official of the Japanese Foreign Ministry unhesitatingly trumpeted about "attack" on the DPRK.

Japan may stage a comeback to Korea any time and the DPRK is the primary target of its attack.

Japan is mulling invading Korea and advancing into the continent with it as its stepping-stone just as it did in the last century.

This reckless scenario of the Japanese reactionaries is, however, leading their country to destruction.

The strategic position of the DPRK has dramatically changed as it is a dignified politico-ideological power and a world military power possessed of tremendous nuclear deterrent.

It is tragedy that Japan is still seized with megalomania, failing to face up to the trend of the times, only to precipitate its doom.

It is quite natural for the overwhelming majority of Japanese to be strongly opposed to the exercise of the "right to collective self-defense" which may invite a disaster more horrible than that in the last century.

Staging a comeback to Korea is bound to lead to destruction.

The Japanese authorities would be well advised to cogitate about their foolish actions to be entailed by terrible disasters.

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