calendar>>December 16. 2016 Juche 105
Court's Ruling on KCTU Chairman Protested in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Organizations of south Korea on Dec. 13 lodged a protest against the puppet court's inflicting a heavy sentence on the chairman of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) on charges of spearheading an all-out people's action last year, according to reports from Seoul.

That day the Seoul High Court held a final hearing on an appeal by the KCTU chairman and sentenced him to jail term and fine, claiming that "he directly and indirectly agitated collision with police."

In this regard, the KCTU declared that it would launch another candlelight campaign for the release of all prisoners including its chairman.

The Citizens Solidarity for Democratic Society released a commentary in denunciation of the court's crackdown upon the above-said chairman.

The People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, too, in its commentary protested against the judiciary authorities' unjust decision and demanded the prompt release of the KCTU chairman.

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