calendar>>December 16. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Demise Observed in Various Countries
Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- Newspapers of different countries dedicated special write-ups to the 5th anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il.

The Dec. 5th issue of the DR Congolese newspaper L'Avenir carried a portrait of smiling Kim Jong Il and allotted one whole page to articles under the title of "Idea and exploits of leader Kim Jong Il will remain forever" and subtitles of "Eternal leader of the Korean people" and "Kim Jong Un, great successor to the cause of Juche".

The newspaper noted that the idea and lines set forth by Kim Jong Il serve as the eternal banner illuminating the road ahead of the Korean people. It is his greatest exploit that he had firmly defended Korean-style socialism, it stressed.

The Dec. 3rd issue of Malaysia's Guang Ming Daily carried an article titled "Yearning grows deeper" illustrated with photos of Kim Jong Il and supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

Saying that as the days go by, the Korean people's yearning for Kim Jong Il who dedicated his whole life to the national prosperity and the people's happiness grows deeper, the daily introduced in detail his ideo-theoretical exploits and Songun revolutionary feats.

The December issue of the Bulgarian newspaper Iskra carried an article titled "Korea to be certainly reunified" illustrated with a photo of Kim Jong Un to introduce the exploits Kim Jong Il performed in the cause of national reunification.

The Dec. 4th issue of Pakistan's Kuweta Daily Independent in an article titled "Great nationalist" praised the exploits of Kim Jong Il who averted a war on the Korean Peninsula under the unfurled banner of Songun and thus defended the destiny of the nation.

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