calendar>>December 14. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Stamp Exhibitions Open
Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Korean stamp exhibitions were opened at the venue of the exhibition of Korean stamps and the Korean Stamps Museum on Wednesday on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of demise of leader Kim Jong Il.

Stamps of hundreds of kinds are on display under the titles "Five years of yearning" and "Great career." They make visitors recollect with deep emotion the revolutionary career and feats and patriotic devotion of Kim Jong Il who provided an eternal foundation for the prosperity of the great Paektusan nation.

There are stamps showing revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites successfully built into centers for education in the revolutionary traditions under the leadership of the Party and the West Sea Barrage and other monumental edifices representing the era of the Workers' Party.

Drawing the attention of visitors are stamps dealing with the heroic struggle of the army and people to bring about epoch-making changes under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

The exhibitions will last till Dec. 23.

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