calendar>>December 14. 2016 Juche 105
"Saenuri Party", Hotbed of Misrule and Corruption: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Now unabated in south Korea is a struggle demanding the dissolution of the "Saenuri Party" along with the resignation of Park Geun Hye.

Massive protests are staged before buildings of the "Saenuri Party" and office of "lawmakers" in Youido of Seoul, Taegu, Taejon, Inchon, Changwon and other areas.

Flag symbolic of the traitorous political party is being torn to pieces amid the uproar of the people demanding the dissolution of the "Saenuri Party".

This is the eruption of the indignation and curses at the party which turned south Korea into a barren land of human rights and democracy and den of corruption by acting a servant and spokesman for traitor Park.

The "Saenuri Party" is a traitorous political party which produced the corrupt and incompetent Park Geun Hye regime and a group of the worst traitors which should face stern punishment by the nation together with Park Geun Hye as an accomplice in the hideous political scandal.

It is none other than coteries of the "Saenuri Party" which installed the descendent of the "yusin" dictator Park as "president" disguised as "politician of confidence and principle" and grew corpulent by blindly following Park who was no more than marionette of a shaman.

The "Saenuri Party" is a group of wicked criminals who should have been thrown into the cemetery of history long ago.

Since it disclosed its despicable nature as "Liberal Party" of traitor Syngman Rhee, the "Saenuri Party" has covered the shameful road of treachery, changing its names from "Democratic Republican Party", "Party of Democracy and Justice", "Party of Liberal Democracy", "New Korea Party" to "Grand National Party". It is recorded with sycophancy and treachery, fascist dictatorship and human rights abuses.

Looking back on the traitorous political party, their main players were without exception top-class sycophants and traitors, fascist murderers, anti-reunification maniacs and ill-famed kingpin of thieves.

No wonder, south Koreans are spitting at the "Saenuri Party" as the citadel of traitorous politics and corruption and irregularities.

The party has earned ill-fames from the south Koreans like "party of confrontation with fellow countrymen", "party mad on pro-U.S.", "war party", "anti-reunification party", "conservative and cold-war party", "rubbish party", "Mafia party", "party embezzling truckloads of money", "scandalous political party", "lustful party" and "sexual scandal party". Clearly reflected in these names is the despicable nature of the traitorous political party.

If the "Saenuri Party" is left intact, the second Park Geun Hye and second Choe Sun Sil will appear, making south Koreans subject to unavoidable disgrace, distress, misfortune and pain.

Recently the "Saenuri Party" is trying hard to find a stop-gap measure while talking about its "revamp" after the passage of a motion calling for Park's impeachment through the "National Assembly." But it is a foolish act.

It is the south Korean public mindset never to bring down the torch of struggle until the pro-U.S. conservative forces including Park and the "Saenuri Party" are swept away and a new society where people have become master of politics is built.

The resignation of Park and the dissolution of the "Saenuri Party" may take place any time.

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