calendar>>December 9. 2016 Juche 105
Disbandment of Ruling Party Called for in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions staged actions across south Korea all at once demanding the immediate resignation of Park Geun Hye and the disbandment of the "Saenuri Party" on Dec. 7, according to reports.

The Kangwon headquarters of the confederation held press conferences all at once in six places in south Korean Kangwon Province including Wonju, Kangrung and Chunchon.

The organization denounced the "Saenuri Party" for mocking at the people with such rhetoric as "resignation in April" after Park's third "talk to the people".

The Jeju headquarters of the confederation also held a press conference demanding the disbandment of the "Saenuri Party."

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