calendar>>December 9. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Paper Reveals Choe Sun Sil's High-handed Practices
Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean KBS on Thursday disclosed that Choe Sun Sil had always behaved in a high-handed manner backed by Park Geun Hye.

Quoting a statement of Cha Un Thaek, a confidant of Park, it said that the results of investigation into the Choe Sun Sil scandal produced lots of testimonies helping size up the situation and atmosphere in which Choe monopolized "state administration."

According to Cha, Choe always regarded herself to be at the same level as Park and sometimes she handled the "president". Cha confessed that he asked Choe to let Park take part in three events organized by him and that Choe always rode roughshod over other people with the backing of the "president".

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