calendar>>December 9. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Derides Japan's Moral Vulgarity
Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- An honorary professor at Tokyo University of Japan, shortly ago, urged the present chief executive of the country to make due apology and reparation to victimized nations over the issue of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.

Earlier, victims of the sexual slavery residing in different parts of the world held a rally in Tokyo under the sponsorship of a Japanese civic organization to denounce the despicable acts of the Japanese authorities.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Friday says this is an expression of the Japanese people's disillusion about the imperialist history interwoven with cursed crimes as well as their desire to live before the world with clean conscience after redressing all past crimes.

But the Japanese authorities are making desperate efforts to keep the issue of sexual slavery under the carpet of history, not lending an ear to the demand of its own people, to say nothing of the world denunciation, the commentary notes, and goes on:

Japan should face up to the reality.

Its zealous efforts to realize its ambition for reinvasion, being unaware of how the world goes around, remind one of a new-born puppy knowing no fear of a tiger.

The Japanese reactionaries should not forget even a moment that the destiny of the Japanese archipelago is within the powerful nuclear striking range of the DPRK.

The Japanese authorities can be honest before their own people and before justice and conscience only when they sincerely repent of their past crimes and make due apology and reparation for them. Only then can they earn the international community's confidence and live in peace.

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