calendar>>December 9. 2016 Juche 105
Traitor Park's Sleight of Hand Can Never Work: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- Traitor Park Geun Hye of south Korea made her third "talk to the people" peppered with excuses aimed at evasion of responsibilities, far from resigning her post as "president", a crafty farce to prolong her remaining days, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

Branding this as a sly trick to calm down the public wrath, get the ruling and opposition camps to pit against each other, earn sympathy from the conservative forces, disturb the movement for her impeachment and thus stay in power to the last, the article goes on:

Park said that she would leave everything to the decision of the "National Assembly", a deceptive trick to evade the worst ruling crisis and serve out her term.

The publication of the "talk to the people" is, in essence, a farce for disturbing the situation over the impeachment and dragging the time away. This was proven by her rhetoric about "NA's decision" and "proposal for handover of 'state administration'". Lurking behind this is a black-hearted intention to escalate the fighting between the ruling and opposition forces in the "NA" and disturb the situation over the impeachment on the one hand and get time enough to rally the conservative forces and find a way-out on the other hand.

The aim sought by the traitor is to pass the ball over to the "NA", escalate political strife and resort to hold-out-to-the last strategy under the pretext of indecision between the ruling and opposition forces.

No sleight of hand can work and nothing can quench the public mindset set to punish Park Geun Hye.

No matter how desperately Park may try not to leave Chongwadae, it is useless. Her trick will only bring earlier the moment when she will face stern punishment by the south Korean public.

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