calendar>>December 9. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Carrying WPK's Plan on Socialist Rural Construction into Practice
Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un sent a letter to those attending the 8th Congress of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea to provide a great program to be held fast to by the union in accomplishing the cause of building a socialist power under the banner of modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The letter serves as an important guideline for glorifying the idea on rural construction of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and their leadership feats, Rodong Sinmun Friday in an editorial says, and goes on:

In their lifetime the great leaders had walked ridge-ways between paddy-fields together with agricultural workers, laying an eternal foundation for solving the peasant issue, the agricultural issue.

Only when the militant tasks set forth by Kim Jong Un in the letter are thoroughly carried out, can it be possible for the agricultural workers to fulfill their duty as patriotic peasants intensely loyal to the great leaders and give a steady continuity to the history of rich harvest provided by them.

The role of the UAWK should be enhanced to prepare the peasants as genuine masters of the socialist countryside and bring about a great victory on the agricultural front as intended by the Party. Then, it will be possible to consolidate our revolutionary position as firm as rock and successfully carry out the cause of building a thriving socialist power.

The editorial calls on all the union members and other agricultural workers to step up the socialist rural construction under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, cherishing the pledge they made before the Party, the country and the people with the 8th Congress of the union as an occasion.

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