calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Project for Renewing Appearance of Pyongyang Goes on
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- A project to give a new appearance to Pyongyang is gaining momentum in the DPRK these days.

The Management Bureau for Improvement of the River Taedong and other industrial establishments removed old flagstone pavement from promenades along the river and have pushed ground concrete tamping ahead of its re-pavement.

Repair and revetment of banks and dredging have been carried out in several sections covering scores of kilometers together with the straightening of a water course in over 10 km-long section.

And a project for laying sewage pipes in a tens of thousands meters-long section was completed and over 50 force-pump stations have been rebuilt or repaired, so as to keep the river and its streams from pollution.

Tens of thousands square meters of concrete tamping was finished in Pyongyang-Wonsan Motorway while main roads in Pyongyang were improved and a number of trees planted along them.

Achievements have also been made in renewing the appearance of streets, villages, working sites, parks and pleasure grounds.

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