calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Lawmaker from S. Korea's Ruling Party Flailed for Shielding Traitor Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- The April 16 Family Council of south Korea on Dec. 5 issued a statement protesting the remarks made by a member of the ruling "Saenuri Party" to shield traitor Park's dereliction of her duty right after the occurrence of the ferry Sewol sinking disaster, according to KBS of south Korea.

Jong Yu Sop, a lawmaker from the "Saenuri Party" speaking at a session of the "National Assembly" that day, said that "president can be away from work for seven hours if he or she appoints an able person to be in charge" in reference to Park's absence in office for seven hours at the time of the disaster.

Jong has to quit NA membership, the statement said, demanding the resignation of all those lawmakers from the "Saenuri Party" who shielded Park's dereliction of duty.

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