calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Civic and Social Elders of S. Korea Advance Tasks for Setting Right Politics
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- Civic and social elders of south Korea advanced 10-point tasks for setting right the politics, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Tongil News.

A press conference was held in Seoul Monday. At the conference they called for setting forth clear-cut tasks for reform to meet the demands of 2.3 million candlelight holders.

They demanded the repeal of the economic policy for the privileged and the disbandment of the "National Federation of Businessmen".

The 10-point tasks include withdrawal of the decision on THAAD deployment, normalization of the south-north relations, resumption of talks for settling the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula and building peace mechanism, checking the Japan "Self-defence Forces'" advance into the Korean peninsula, take-over of OPECON and nullification of the agreements with Japan on protection of military intelligence and on sexual slavery.

The candlelight does not just mean impeachment of "the president" but the mending of the south-north relations, re-start of the Kaesong Industrial Park, resumption of the tour of Mt. Kumgang and saving of those who invested in the south-north cooperation projects and check of the useless deployment of THAAD, they held.

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