calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Detailed Report on Results of Recovery Efforts in Flood-hit Northern Part of Country
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency released a detailed report Wednesday on the miraculous victory won in the campaign for recovering from the flood damage in North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK.

The report said:

The solemn declaration of victory in the all-people grand advance for glorifying this year when the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea was held as the great heyday of the revolution was made in the flood-afflicted areas of North Hamgyong Province, major thrust of the 200-day campaign, exciting the whole country with great joy.

In hearty response to the militant call of the Party, the army and people of the DPRK turned out as one in the struggle to do away with aftermath of the unprecedented natural disaster and built the disaster areas into a socialist fairyland, which would not be affected by any storm and stress, by dint of the great might of single-minded unity.

In a little more than two months, they had successfully built one-storied dwelling houses, three-storied and five-storied apartment houses for over 11,900 families, more than 100 nurseries, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and clinics, repaired more than 15,000 dwelling houses and carried out the project for building over 190,000 cubic meters of dike and embankment on the River Tuman, the river improvement extending tens of kilometers and the restoration of several hundred kilometers of railroads and roads and tens of bridges. Therefore, a new myth of hero in the era of Mallima and a new legendary story of loving people in the era of Workers' Party were created in the northern part of the country.

The socialist fairyland streets and villages were built one after another on the debris of the great disaster. After all, tens of thousands of families in the afflicted areas could have their own houses and the sound of bell ringing for children and happy laughers could be heard.

This is a great auspicious event and great victory that marked the climax of the historic year 2016.

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