calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary on Truth about S. Korea-Japan Military Agreement
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- Some forces are shouting for delight, quite contrary to the opposition of the south Koreans and the regional people to the conclusion of an agreement on protection of military intelligence between south Korea and Japan.

Soon after the conclusion of the agreement, the commander of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in south Korea called it a "brave decision" and a "measure for promoting cooperation among south Korea-U.S. combined forces". The White House and the U.S. Defence Department also shouted for joy, issuing a "welcome" statement, etc.

This clearly proves that it is none other than the U.S. which persistently pressed for and manipulated behind the stage the conclusion of the military intelligence between the south Korean puppet forces and the Japanese reactionaries.

The U.S. deputy assistant secretary of State for East Asia-Pacific Affairs confessed that the U.S. government has long encouraged the "conclusion of an agreement on protection of military intelligence between south Korea and Japan" and that "it directly took part in the discussion for the agreement," a clear proof of its manipulation.

The conclusion of the agreement was apparently pursuant to the U.S. strategic interests to hold hegemony in Northeast Asia.

The U.S. seeks to shape the triangular military alliance for aggression with the involvement of south Korea and Japan, its field henchmen for executing the strategy for dominating Asia.

It, which already perfected the vertical military cooperation system with its stooges, has persistently worked hard to establish a horizontal cooperation system between south Korea and Japan, the final phase for shaping the triangular military alliance.

But such an acute and crucial agreement in the military field could not be struck due to the historical, ethical and moral issues that existed between Japan, the sworn enemy of the Korean nation, and south Korea.

The Lee Myung Bak regime of south Korea, that earned an ill fame for its sycophancy and treachery, flinched back with strong opposition from the inhabitants, though it thought of pressing for the conclusion at the instigation of the U.S.

The U.S., by taking advantage of the seizure of power by the Park Geun Hye group steeped in pro-U.S. and pro-Japanese proclivities to the marrow of its bones, let it sign the "agreement" on sexual slavery with Japan and in its wake pressed its junior allies to conclude the military agreement while further intensifying three-party military "cooperation" such as "sharing of information", "offer of extended deterrence" and holding of joint military exercises under various codenames.

Despite the extreme political crisis the puppet forces concluded the agreement in just 27 days at the speed of conducting a "military operation". Stretched deep into it were the dark tentacles of the U.S. who uses even the puppet forces more dead than alive to meet its interests.

The opposition parties and people of all social standings in south Korea are now demanding the withdrawal of the traitorous agreement and its total nullification, while disclosing its essence and danger. They claim that the "conclusion of the agreement means prioritizing the U.S. rather than prioritizing security", "it is aimed at 'south Korea-U.S.-Japan' military alliance targeting China and Russia" and "it will spark off a serious conflict and instability in the region".

The extremely arrogant and shameless U.S. again pressed for "mutual logistic support agreement" between south Korea and Japan in a bid to finally round off the building of the triangular military alliance, a Asian version of NATO.

The countries and people in Northeast Asia should heighten their vigilance against the moves of the U.S. and its henchmen harassing peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

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