calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Smashing Pro-U.S. Conservative Forces
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- Traitor Park Geun Hye, taken aback by the anti-government struggle sweeping across south Korea, could not but issue the 3rd "talk to people" days ago and make a declaration that she would "abandon everything".

Park, who had resorted to the hold-out-to-the-last strategy since the publication of the first "talk to people" woven with excuses and evasion of responsibility, made a declaration of her resignation in more than 30 days, Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in an article says, adding:

This is the first victory brought about by the just massive resistance of the south Korean people from all walks of life for democracy and new politics.

Through it, the south Korean people confirmed their strength once again and proved the truth that no force can dampen the aspiration and demand of the people for progress and justice.

The situation calls upon the south Korean people to intensify the anti-conservative struggle along with the anti-Park Geun Hye and anti-government struggle in order to totally topple down the Park group of traitors and terminate the corrupt conservative rule.

The pro-U.S. reactionary forces including the "Saenuri Party" are the targets of the south Korean people's action for justice and progress.

The top-class criminal group to be ousted at an early date from the political stage of south Korea, together with traitor Park, is none other than the conservative group of traitors including the "Saenuri Party".

What should not to be overlooked is the hurried action of the U.S. which gives a shot in the arm of the conservative forces of south Korea.

The U.S. drafted a scenario to get Ban Ki-moon who has not yet finished his term to run for the "presidential" election as a representative of the south Korean conservative forces and hatched sinister plots together with the gentries of the "Saenuri Party" to this end.

Though traitor Park steps down, the pro-U.S. conservative forces of south Korea may abuse the results of the people's massive anti-government struggle.

The south Korean people from all walks of life should widely conduct the massive struggle to get Park to step down, along with the struggle to smash the pro-U.S. conservative forces so that they would not raise their heads again.

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