calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il's Life Praised in DR Congo
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- The National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea of DR Congo released a bulletin titled "On the Fifth Anniversary of Demise of Leader Kim Jong Il" on Dec. 2.

The bulletin carried a portrait of smiling Kim Jong Il.

The noble life of Kim Jong Il devoted to the people is cherished deep in the hearts of the Korean people along with his sacred image even though much water has passed under the bridge, it said, and went on:

Regarding it as his motto to believe in the people as in Heaven, Kim Jong Il set as the goal of life and his pride to devote his all to the happiness of the people.

He prioritized the people's interests when planning and solving any problems.

He had always kept in mind his beloved country and people, whether he was on his field guidance and foreign tours.

It is a brilliant fruition of his noble viewpoint on the people that the people-first principle has been applied to all fabrics of social life in the DPRK.

He made ceaseless journey of field guidance with the will to devote his all to bringing about people's happiness.

He, who worked heart and soul with his warm love and devotion to the people, passed away on a running train while making high-intensity forced march for field guidance without rest.

His whole life was that of love and devotion to the people.

The Korean people are always yearning for Kim Jong Il, remembering his love and devotion to them.

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