calendar>>December 7. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Gives Field Guidance to December 6 Children's Camp in Kangwon Province
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, gave field guidance to the remodeled December 6 Children's Camp in Kangwon Province.

Enjoying a bird's-eye view of the camp, he said the buildings of the camp have been built in such a peculiar style as to depict a sailing boat in a sea suited to the features of the coastal area. He praised the people of Kangwon Province for having done a great job, saying that another camp for children, a cradle for them, has appeared in the province.

Going round the room dedicated to the history of the camp and its other places, he learned in detail about the remodeling and preparations for operating it.

Feasting his eyes for a long while on the painting depicting kind-hearted leader Kim Jong Il watching with a smile on his face children who are going to camp after stopping his jeep on the way to a forefront post, he said: "The General is going to the front while children are heading for camp." He recollected with deep emotion words of a song dating back to the period of the Arduous March, Forced March. "We should keep the cheerful laughter of children, their songs heard, always remembering the General who took so much care of them to make them happy even in those difficult days," he urged.

Going round a library, e-library and rooms for disseminating general knowledge, he stressed the need to steadily improve the method of education as required by the developing pedagogy of the new century and ages and psychological characteristics so that the camping may help the children acquire broad knowledge.

Making the rounds of bedrooms, a room for cooking lecture, the room for cooking practice, kitchen, dining hall and birthday party room, he said the camp looks impeccable though it was built with locally available materials. "Children will always remember the days of camping when they have meals, enjoying coastal scenery, and prepare boiled rice and various dishes by themselves," he noted.

Going round the house having a room for the education in Kim Jong Il's patriotism, room for class education, video games room, etc., he was pleased to see all facilities built to be of educational value so that children may cherish patriotism from childhood. He emphasized the need to provide better facilities for cultural education and living conditions of the camp to suit the level of the children growing in the highly civilized society.

Walking the compound of the camp, he said it is very nice to see the camp clad in thick verdure of pine trees. He called for planting many more trees of good species and fruit trees to make the environment look more beautiful and turn the compound of the camp into woodland for educating campers.

He highly appreciated the officials, party members and other working people in Kangwon Province for their successful remodeling of the December 6 Children's Camp is the proud fruition of their devoted efforts.

He had a photo session with the officials and employees of the camp.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Ma Won Chun, director of the Designing Department of the DPRK State Affairs Commission.

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