calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
Women Footballers of DPRK Warmly Welcomed upon Return Home
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The women football team of the DPRK came back home Tuesday after placing first in the 2016 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup.

A great number of citizens in Pyongyang turned out in streets to welcome the women footballers.

The girls were greeted at Pyongyang International Airport by Ri Ryong Nam, vice-premier of the Cabinet, Kim Il Guk, minister of Physical Culture and Sports, and officials concerned.

Sportspersons and family members of the girls put fragrant garlands around the footballers and coaches' necks and presented bouquets of flowers to them.

The bus carrying the players left the airport for the city amid the welcome by residents of Sunan District.

They were warmly welcomed by Pyongyangites at Ryonghung Crossroads, the street of the Arch of Triumph, Changjon Crossroads, etc.

They visited the statues of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill and placed a floral basket and bunches of flowers before them and paid tribute to them.

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