calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
Hana Musical Information Center in DPRK
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The Hana Musical Information Center in Thongil Street, Pyongyang is a comprehensive art information service center to promote the cultural and emotional life of people.

On December 15, Juche 100 (2011), the last year of his revolutionary career, leader Kim Jong Il visited the center. That day he said that the center should keep in store all art music information like recorded songs, sheets of music and books of music and dance published in the country. And he sent to the center all the music pieces he collected in his lifetime.

In an interview with KCNA, Om Ki Chon, deputy director of the center, said:

This year alone, the number of visitors to the center reaches over several thousands, including more than 1 300 overseas Koreans and foreigners.

Visitors can get diverse service and share their views and experience.

On the second floor, there is the Hana Electronic Trading Company, one of electronic goods developers and producers in the DPRK.

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