calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Assails S. Korean Regime's Humiliating Diplomacy
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The Park Geun Hye regime of south Korea persists in committing acts of treachery even at a time when it is on the verge of collapse after being forsaken by the south Korean people for inflicting all sorts of pain and misfortune upon them.

Recently, the chief of the Agency of Defense Affairs of south Korea said that he thinks south Korea has no option but to accept if the next U.S. administration urges it to bear bigger "share of defense expenses", only to draw public criticism.

This is an act of treachery that can be committed by the Park regime only, a group of top-class lackeys and colonial servants which unhesitatingly leave the destiny of the country and the nation to the tender mercy of outsiders in a bid to stay in power and garner foreign support for unleashing a war against the north through humiliating "diplomacy toward the U.S."

As well known, the puppet regime is covering 50 percent of the upkeep for the U.S. forces present in south Korea. This is reportedly the biggest payment of defense expenses in the world out of its GDP.

According to the "2017 report on U.S. forces" published by the U.S. Heritage Foundation, south Korea has offered "huge resources" amounting to about 900 million U.S. dollars every year to the U.S. as direct and indirect aid such as offer of land and manpower and exemption from various taxes, to say nothing of bearing the "share of upkeep" for the GIs in south Korea.

The puppet regime's offer of the funds collected as taxes from south Koreans to the U.S. is by no means unrelated to the scheme of the regime to stay in power though it has already been forsaken by the people for the "Park Geun Hye-Choe Sun Sil scandal."

The regime is working hard to make even an agreement on logistic support with Japan, the sworn enemy of the Korean nation, not content with the agreement on protection of military intelligence. It is busy flattering the U.S. by pressing ahead with the deployment of THAAD.

It was agreed at the 197th "joint meeting on SOFA" held in Seoul that the U.S. aggressor troops would as ever pay less electricity rate for the U.S. forces present in south Korea than that for ordinary local houses and institutions.

Against this backdrop, the puppet regime is going to send a "special delegation" composed of lawmakers from the "Saenuri Party" to the U.S. to conduct bargaining with its new administration over such issues as the upkeep for the GIs in south Korea.

The treacherous rule of the puppet regime helps the U.S. even make money through usury with a huge amount of money it receives from south Korea, not content with perpetrating murder, violence, robbery and rape there.

The situation proves that greater privileges granted to GIs by the traitors, who deem their master-servant relations characterized by domination and subjugation and arbitrary practices their best "fortune," make the south Korean people suffer bitterer misfortune and agony.

It is quite natural for the opposition parties and people of various circles in south Korea to term the regime "country-selling regime capitulating to America and providing to it funds collected as taxes."

The humiliating behavior of the puppet regime will only result in strangling traitor Park.

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