calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Foreign Minister's Anti-DPRK Rhetoric Blasted
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- Yun Pyong Se, puppet Foreign Minister of south Korea, who traveled Australia days ago and talked nonsense that "provocation of the north" constitutes a direct threat even to Australia, not just south Korea. He even begged for support for settling "nuclear and human rights issues of the north".

Minju Joson Tuesday in a commentary derides this as a cliche he used to make while traveling abroad together with traitor Park Geun Hye and her yes-men to elicit international "cooperation for stifling the DPRK", and rhetoric that reveals the nature of the sycophants and traitors who can subsist only by relying on outsiders.

The commentary says:

Yun, a waiting guy for Park Geun Hye, a Ri Wan Yong of modern version and the quisling who should be finished off along with Park, is still resorting to the sinister farce for "cooperation" abroad. This is a thrice-cursed act of treachery meant to fan up the atmosphere for sanctions and pressure on the DPRK and stand up against the DPRK to the last. His despicable bid is just a desperate effort of a man more dead than alive.

The Park group of traitors have now gone desperate to prolong their remaining days in defiance of the people's strong demand for immediate resignation. But no matter what cunning sleight of hand they may employ, they can never escape the miserable end already sealed.

The broad segments of south Koreans who took to the streets holding candlelight will never pardon the group of traitors including Park and Yun.

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