calendar>>December 6. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Reactionaries' Moves for Reinvasion Denounced
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries are trying to conclude even an "agreement on logistic support" with south Korea's Park Geun Hye group of traitors, not content with signing the "agreement on protection of military intelligence".

Commenting on this, Minju Joson Tuesday says this clearly proves what dangerous extent the Japanese reactionaries have reached in their desperate bid to realize the ambition for reinvasion.

The "agreement on logistic support" specifies the types and items of military support which can be offered between the south Korean forces and the Japan "Self-defence Forces" in case of contingency, and it serves as a legal ground for hurling transport planes and other weapons of the SDF to the Korean peninsula in contingency, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The south Korean political situation is now in the grip of chaos and the U.S. master is busy shaping triangular military alliance among the U.S., Japan and south Korea. Taking it as a golden opportunity, Japan has stretched its tentacles of reinvasion deep into the Korean peninsula.

All these moves of the Japanese reactionaries are dangerous acts of upsetting the strategic balance in the region and bringing dark clouds of a war of aggression.

The international community is strongly urging Japan not open the "Pandora's box". Japan should clearly understand this.

The way for reinvasion Japan is paving by instigating the Park Geun Hye group, already dead politically, will only lead it to ruin.

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