calendar>>December 4. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Opposition Parties Demand Park Geun Hye Leave Office
Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean opposition parties sniped at traitor Park Geun Hye for using tactics aimed at prolonging her remaining days while going against the public sentiment, according to reports in Seoul on Saturday.

The floor leader of the Minju Party, in a commentary, demanded that the "president" leave office immediately, saying that the people's candlelight actions had already impeached Park politically.

A spokesperson for the Kukmin Party underscored the need for "National Assembly" to pass the bill to impeach Park.

An ex-representative of the said party told a news conference that the "Saenuri Party" has no qualifications for setting the plan for Park's resignation.

On the same day, the representative of the Minju Party, the chairperson of the emergency measure committee of the Kukmin Party and other members of the leadership and lawmakers of opposition parties joined the 6th all-people action rallies launched widely across south Korea including Kwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, Kwangju and Taegu.

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