calendar>>December 4. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams S. Korean Foreign Minister's Humiliating Solicitation Diplomacy
Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean puppet Foreign Minister Yun Pyong Se at the recent talks with the foreign minister of Australia groundlessly pulled up the DPRK, raising a hue and cry over the "north's direct threat" and "human rights issue." He begged for "close cooperation in the campaign against the north".

Rodong Sinmun Sunday in a commentary terms Yun's behavior the most treacherous act to do harm to the compatriots in the north in collusion with outside forces.

It goes on:

The attempt to isolate and stifle the compatriots by depending on outside forces is, in fact, no more than the last-ditch efforts of the doomed.

The south Korean people branded Yun as an eunuch of Park Geun Hye, modern day Ri Wan Yong and the guy to be buried together with the witch of Chongwadae before anyone else as he has committed indelible crimes before the nation while pursuing sycophancy and acts of treachery from the very day he took his office.

He should bear in mind that his desperate efforts to boost cooperation in the campaign to stifle the DPRK with outside forces while protecting the witch of Chongwadae more dead than alive would only precipitate his miserable destruction.

The puppet group of the traitors obsessed with sycophancy and treachery and the confrontation with the compatriots in the north are bound to face a stern judgment by the nation.

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