calendar>>December 3. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary on Failure of U.S. Hostile Policy toward DPRK
Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- Public in the U.S. is becoming increasingly critical of its hostile policy toward the DPRK.

Recently media and experts on Korean affairs in the U.S. comment that the DPRK supreme leader's continued visits to army units reflect the will to take strong counteraction against the U.S. sanctions and pressure and the U.S. and its followers' policy toward the DPRK totally failed.

According to Google News on Nov. 20, most of 14 security experts gave C, D and F marks to the Obama administration's DPRK policy and a person who gave F to Obama said that the DPRK policy of the Obama administration, south Korea, Japan and other allies was a dead duck.

This is a bitter derision at the U.S. and other hostile forces that were driven to the fate of falling leaves in the autumn wind by the strong will and matchless pluck of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The greatness of one country and one nation depends on its leader.

The leader's steadfast revolutionary faith, matchless pluck and will are the source of the nation's strength and the weapon more powerful than A-bomb.

The great leader with gifted wisdom, outstanding insight and iron-will is able to steer the country to the access to nukes and make it as strategic line as he has noble sense of responsibility for ever-lasting future of the country and the nation.

The strategic position of the DPRK as a nuclear power in the East is the precious fruition of the strong will, tireless efforts and wise leadership of the outstanding brilliant Songun commander.

The Obama administration has persistently made desperate efforts to bring down the system in the DPRK under the signboard of "strategic patience" for eight years, but it compelled the DPRK to bolster up its nuclear deterrence and emerge a nuclear power.

This year alone, the DPRK succeeded in its first H-bomb test and nuclear warhead explosion test in September startling the world people and striking terror into the enemies.

The successful test-fire of surface to surface medium- and long-range strategic rocket Hwasong-10 and test-fire of SLBM awakened the U.S. and its following forces to the fact that they cannot have a sound sleep now.

In the final analysis, Obama gave the DPRK the status of a nuclear power, thus being responsible for sustaining a total failure in the policy toward the DPRK by driving the security of the U.S. mainland at greatest peril.

The U.S. would be well advised to face up to the changed strategic position of the DPRK.

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