calendar>>December 3. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Censures S. Korean Military's Moves to Save Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- Recently, the south Korean military held what it called a meeting of major commanders of the armed forces, touting "complicated and grave security situation." At the meeting Han Min Gu, puppet minister of Defense, cried out for a "resolute punishment," asserting that "nuclear and missile threat from the north has been put on an actual, high-pitched and accelerated basis" and "there is high likelihood of north's strategic and operational provocation." The puppet chiefs of staffs of the south Korean navy and air force were busy inspecting units, where they let out a string of bellicose remarks like "escalating threat of provocation by the north" and "firm combat readiness."

Against this backdrop, the south Korean puppet navy staged maneuvers in the east, west and south seas of Korea under the signboard of "coping with possible naval provocation from the north" six years since the Yonphyong Island incident. The Command for the Defense of Northwestern Islands staged a naval firing drill around the islands.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says:

The ill-boding military moves and reckless war hysteria of the south Korean puppet military are part of its military operations to save the old witch of Chongwadae from the abyss of ruin.

Park Geun Hye is now stuck in a bottomless quagmire. Hence, the south Korean puppet military is getting frantic with military provocations to give the Park group a breathing spell.

The Park group of traitors can never go unpunished as it is unhesitatingly resorting to dangerous saber-rattling threatening the destiny of the nation in a bid to stay in power.

Only miserable death awaits the Park group keen on war moves against the north.

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