calendar>>December 3. 2016 Juche 105
Actions to Oust Park Geun Hye Staged across S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- South Koreans, infuriated by traitor Park Geun Hye's third "talk to the people" aimed at deceiving the public and prolonging her remaining days, have reportedly continued to stage actions calling for Park's resignation.

There took place actions for ouster of Park across south Korea on Nov. 30 with over 350,000 people from all walks of life involved.

Rallies and demos were staged in various parts of Seoul to protest against Park, Choe Sun Sill, big businesses, the "Saenuri Party" and Chongwadae.

The Citizens Solidarity for Democratic Society filed complaints with the "National Assembly" against Park, Choe and Cha Un Thaek for bribery.

Poor people's organizations have continued to wage a sit-in strike in Kwanghwamun plaza since Nov. 30 together with the disabled.

There took place actions demanding Park's resignation and disbandment of the "Saenuri Party" in various places on Friday.

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