calendar>>December 3. 2016 Juche 105
More Vigorous Struggle for Resignation of Park Geun Hye Declared in S. Korea
Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- According to the south Korean online newspaper Tongil News, the People's Emergency Action for Bringing down the Park Geun Hye Regime in south Korea held a conference of action for Park Geun Hye's ouster in Seoul Thursday as a reaction to her third talk to the people.

The conference demanded an immediate resignation, arrest and investigation into Park and the dissolution of the "Saenuri Party."

Speakers from different civic and social organizations expressed their resolve to wage struggles of higher stage on Dec. 3 and 10, saying that the will of the south Korean people to achieve democracy shook the whole of south Korea, making victory visible.

The Action made public a resolution, which declared that Dec. 3 is set as the "day of Park Geun Hye's immediate resignation" and intensive struggles would be waged in addition to the candlelight rallies across south Korea and a massive all-people action be staged on Dec. 10, too.

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