calendar>>December 3. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Remembered in Various Countries
Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- Meetings for remembering leader Kim Jong Il were held in Germany, Bangladesh, Thailand, Benin and South Africa Nov. 11-27.

The chairpersons of the German Communist Party and the Anti-Imperialist Forum of Germany said that Kim Jong Il had led to victory the socialist construction and the drive for national reunification and the cause of human independence holding aloft the banner of independence, Songun and socialism and made ceaseless journey of field guidance for the people's happiness till the last moments of his life.

The chairman of the C.C., Workers Party of Bangladesh and other speakers praised Kim Jong Il's exploits, saying that he developed the Workers' Party of Korea into an ever-victorious guiding force, the DPRK into an invincible socialist bulwark and the Korean People's Army into mighty revolutionary ranks.

The chairman of the Thai Committee for Remembering HE Kim Jong Il said:

Kim Jong Il defended socialism and laid a firm foundation for the building of a socialist power with arms.

Under his leadership, the DPRK turned into a satellite-manufacturing and -launching nation and a nuclear weapons state.

The exploits he performed for the triumphant advance of the DPRK and the cause of national reunification are the most precious wealth to be glorified through generations.

The chief of the Benin Group for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism said that it was the steadfast will and faith of leader Kim Jong Il to bring earlier what can be brought earlier from the future as much as possible by providing restlessly the treasures of national value for the country and posterity in any difficulties and that his life was the noble and devoted life as he dedicated his all to the country and the people.

A message to supreme leader Kim Jong Un was adopted at the remembrance meeting held in South Africa.

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