calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye and Her Group Hit for Letting out Litany of Invective Denying Reality in DPRK
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The northern part of the DPRK which had been hit by an unprecedented natural disaster turned into a socialist land of bliss in two months to startle the world with the miracle of turning adversity into favorable conditions and the songs of big fish haul presenting spectacular scenery are resounding far and wide in the vast East Sea of Korea.

Happy laughter of the people celebrating Mothers' Day is heard throughout the country.

A spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council in a statement Saturday said only Park Geun Hye and her group of south Korea are speaking ill of the stirring reality in the DPRK just like a group of rabid dogs at a time when the world is admiring it.

People moved into new houses in new streets and villages in the flood-hit areas in the northern part of North Hamgyong Province, a happy event, but gentries of the puppet ministry of unification in south Korea talked nonsense that the north's hasty completion of the operation for recovering from flood was aimed to "boost the morale of inhabitants and advocate the spirit of patriotism". Echoing their claim, some reptile conservative media described the "news of big fish haul in the north" as a hype and the "north's institution of Mothers' Day as a propaganda about its social system," the statement notes, and goes on:

It is nothing surprising to hear the Unification Ministry letting out such invective turning white into black as it is made up of human scum keen on hurting the fellow countrymen in the north.

The group of rabid dogs is not able to feel fragrance.

No matter how ill-minded and crooked the puppet group of traitors may be, it can never deny the above-said stirring reality in the northern part of the DPRK and the happy laughter of the people.

The group of traitors is running the whole gamut of nonsensical talks in a bid to mislead the public opinion. However, it can never tarnish the image of the most advantageous Korean-style socialism centered on the popular masses nor can it cover up the stirring reality in which the policy of loving the people is being pursued by the party which regards it as its fundamental mission and mode of existence to serve the people.

The riff-raff of the puppet conservative media will have to pay a dear price for daring hurt the DPRK as they are going reckless in their smear campaign against it while siding with the treacherous regime on the verge of bankruptcy after discarding the mission of media which should speak for justice and truth and herald the era.

No matter how noisily the group of dogs may bark, the bright moon in the sky will continue to shed its light.

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