calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean University Professors Demand Park Geun Hye Step down
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- Professors at universities of fine arts across south Korea turned out in an action demanding Park Geun Hye's resignation, according to the south Korean KBS on Nov. 24.

78 professors affiliated to the University Art Consultative Council, an organization of professors at universities of fine arts across south Korea, in a statement denounced Park Geun Hye for bringing the foundation of democracy to collapse and making a mockery of the people as she left to those blinded with greed the power entrusted to her by the people

Expressing irrepressible astonishment at the scandal of blacklisting persons in the field of culture, they demanded Park Geun Hye apologize for monopolizing culture and art.

They stressed that Park disqualified as "president" should step down at once.

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