calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Extra-large Scandal in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The "Park Geun Hye-Choe Sun Sil scandal" is an inevitable product of the reactionary and unpopular social system in south Korea where "nexus between politics and business" and irregularities and corruption are prevailing, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says in an article.

It goes on:

The successive puppet ruling quarters of south Korea have considered fascist dictatorship and illegal accumulation of wealth as essential means for staying in power.

Meanwhile, plutocrats being parasitic under the patronage of power have grown corpulent at the cost of blood and sweat of the people, enjoying all kinds of privileges in return for providing money to the rulers.

This dirty nexus has produced a lot of scandals.

"Nexus between politics and business" and irregularities and corruption have prevailed as evil practices for a long time. This is attributable to the corrupt political landscape in south Korea. That is why the corrupt rulers and their clan have earned such ill fames as "king of thieves," "party taking truck load of money" and "party helping corrupt bigwigs."

Traitor Park Geun Hye and the "Saenuri Party" which turned into her private party are nothing but poisonous mushrooms that have grown as a result of irregularities and corruption.

What is more intolerable is that money maker Park Geun Hye is working hard to cover up the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army, the thrice-cursed crime, for a petty amount of money paid by the Japanese reactionaries and is making a bargaining for THAAD deployment by instigating the puppet military and plutocrats.

The flames of the struggle for Park Geun Hye's resignation raging throughout south Korea represent the resistance of the toiling masses who account for 99 percent of the population against the privileged who are just one percent of it.

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