calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
Resignation of Park Geun Hye and Stop to Moves for Concluding Agreement with Japan Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The North Jolla Provincial Measure Committee against THAAD Deployment, the North Jolla Provincial Emergency Council for Resignation of Park Geun Hye and other civic organizations in south Korea on Nov. 22 held a press conference in front of the North Jolla Provincial Building of the "Saenuri Party" in Jonju City, North Jolla Province in demand of the resignation of Park Geun Hye and stop to the moves for concluding an agreement on protecting military intelligence with Japan.

They said the agreement is aimed to back Japan's exercise of the "right to collective self-defense" and preemptive attack on the north.

They urged Park Geun Hye to step down at once.

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