calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
NRC Spokesman on Park Geun Hye's Moves for Confrontation with Fellow Countrymen
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- Recently traitor Park Geun Hye of south Korea summoned the riffraff to Chongwadae and held what they called "ceremony of conferring writs of appointment" to present "writs of appointment" to "provincial governors" of "five provincial committee of the north" and had a photo session with them.

In this regard, a spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council issued a statement on Nov. 25.

The "ceremony" represents Park's hysterics of escalating confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north, the statement said, adding: This ridiculous action was prompted by her petty trick to calm down the angered people and prolong her remaining days at any cost by creating the impression that she is doing the "administration".

It went on:

The council bitterly denounces the anti-DPRK action of Park, branding it as another unpardonable politically-motivated provocation and last-ditch efforts of a confrontational maniac driven into a dilemma.

The action was also prompted by the black-hearted intention to weather the worst crisis by creating the climate of the "security crisis" and "instability" after getting on the nerves of the DPRK.

No matter how desperately Park may try to overcome the ruling crisis through the confrontation, she can never avert or block the massive public protests.

Such a foolish act will only push her to her grave.

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