calendar>>November 26. 2016 Juche 105
Massive Public Protests to Remove Park Geun Hye Planned in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- The 5th all-people action and all-out protests are being prepared in south Korea to be held in late November to remove traitor Park Geun Hye at any cost, according to reports from Seoul.

The People's Emergency Action to Bring Down Park Geun Hye regime called a news conference in Seoul on Nov. 23, in which it declared that it would wage a more vigorous and positive struggle to force the regime to step down on Nov. 26 and that 1.5 million people would take part in the struggle in Seoul and 2 million across south Korea.

Meanwhile, people from all walks of life throughout south Korea including professors, religionists, and students of primary, secondary and senior high schools declared that they would take part in candlelight rallies on Nov. 26.

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