calendar>>November 24. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese University Professor Demands Abe's Official Apology for Sexual Slavery
Pyongyang, November 24 (KCNA) --- Haruki Wada, honorary professor at Tokyo University, demanded the Japanese prime minister make an official apology for the issue of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army on Nov. 21, according to Yonhap News of south Korea.

In an article contributed by him to the Japanese magazine Sekai he said Abe did not make an apology for sexual slavery through official document. It is needless to say that such arrogant attitude hurt the sentiment of the south Korean people once again, he noted.

He stressed the Japanese government should make an apology and reparation for the victims of sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army not only in south Korea but also in different countries of the world.

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